Home » Oscar Claude Monet – Biography » La Promenade Monet (The Stroll)

La Promenade Monet (The Stroll)

Below is a detailed article about the famous painting – La Promenade Monet also known as The Stroll. It is an impressionist painting by painter Claude Monet. The painting depicts his wife and son taking a stroll on a winter’s day in Argenteuil in Paris, where the family resided. Let us learn more about this painting below.

Description of La Promenade Monet (The Stroll)

La Promenade Monet by Claude Monet

The painting is a model of a splash of colors. The representation of light in the painting is iconic. The atmosphere of a winter afternoon is well depicted in the painting by the use of efficient brush strokes. The use of spontaneous colors in the painting makes the atmosphere look like bright daylight even though the windy effects added by the painter by means of the wavering grass and the gown of Lady Monet show the winter aspect of the painting.

The painting is free of deep thought but full of simplicity. It shows the wife of Claude Monet taking a stroll with her son by her side. She appears to be wearing a wreath over her face and a traditional Parisian outfit of the 18th century. She is seen to carry a parasol which is an epitome of the upper society of Paris.

A self – portrait of Oscar Claude Monet

Claude Monet’s seven-year-old son is shown in the painting at a distance from the mother. This depiction is quite rare in the 18th-century paintings where such detail to the representation of distance has been established. Many critics believe that the boy at a distance from his mother must be an element of depth in the painting. The genre of the painting is an everyday family scene. It is not a formal portrait of any sort.

Experts suggest that the painting may have been painted outdoors and that too in a few hours.

The painting was exhibited at an impressionist exhibition in April 1876. Thereafter, many such works of arts have been seen by Claude Monet.