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The Selfish Giant

The Selfish Giant: The story is that of a giant, his garden and the children who used to play in it.

There was once a giant who had a beautiful garden. He had gone to visit his friend, the Ogre, for seven years. When he returned home, he found that children used his beautiful garden as their playground. Their happy voices as they played there infuriated the giant.

What is the Plot of The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde?

Very angry at the children, he shunned them out of his garden and built a tall fence around it. The children could not return to the garden.

As the seasons passed and the time for Spring to arrive came, the Giant waited eagerly to watch his garden bloom with beautiful flowers. However, he waited and waited but Spring never came to his garden.

Days passed by and the Giant grew worried and sad for his garden until one day he woke up in the morning to hear the laughter of the children and to see the touch of Spring in his garden. The Giant was very happy and he ran outside to play with the kids who had entered through a small hole in the fence.

The cover of ‘The Selfish Giant’

As he played, he noticed a small boy stuck on top of a tree. The Giant very lovingly brought him down and when he asked his name, the kid ran away. From then on, every day, the Giant waited for his little friend to come but he never came.

After a very long time, when the Giant was old, he woke up in the morning and saw his little friend in his blooming garden. He quickly ran out and the child told him that he was the Christ and had come to take him to Heaven with him.  The Giant died peacefully and his soul rested in Heaven with God.

Review of The Selfish Giant

“The Selfish Giant,” penned by the renowned writer Oscar Wilde, stands as a beloved and timeless short story that has captured the hearts of readers young and old. Wilde’s exceptional work of imagination transports us into a world where magical creatures, such as the Giant and the Ogre, coexist with the human characters.

Primarily aimed at children, this enchanting tale carries profound life lessons that resonate with readers of all ages. At its core, the story emphasizes the importance of sharing the bounties of life and the boundless joy that comes from both giving and receiving. Wilde masterfully weaves a touching narrative that demonstrates how a selfish heart can find redemption and happiness through acts of kindness and selflessness.

The titular character, the Selfish Giant, begins as a portrayal of greed and cold-heartedness. He isolates himself from others and selfishly keeps his beautiful garden locked away from children. However, as the seasons unfold, Wilde’s story subtly transforms the Giant into a symbol of moral growth and compassion. The moment when the Giant welcomes the children back into his garden marks a poignant turning point in the narrative, symbolizing the profound impact of selfless generosity.

One of the core messages that Wilde brilliantly imparts is the reciprocity of kindness and its positive influence on one’s life. As the Giant opens his heart and garden to the children, he discovers an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment that was absent during his years of isolation. This powerful lesson reminds readers of the universal truth that the more one gives, the more they receive in return, not only in material possessions but also in emotional and spiritual well-being.

“The Selfish Giant” also serves as a heartwarming reminder of the power of empathy and the importance of fostering a kind and compassionate heart. Through the Giant’s transformation, we learn that a life filled with love and empathy holds far greater rewards than one driven by selfish desires. Wilde’s narrative urges readers to cultivate virtues like generosity, empathy, and kindness, as they are the building blocks of harmonious and joyous communities.

In conclusion, “The Selfish Giant” by Oscar Wilde is a timeless masterpiece that transcends its children’s story origins. It artfully weaves together magical elements and profound life lessons, reminding readers of the significance of sharing, kindness, and selflessness. This heartwarming tale is a beautiful testament to the transformative power of a kind heart and serves as a timeless reminder that our actions ripple through the lives of others and ultimately shape our own happiness and fulfillment.

The Selfish Giant Movie 2013

“The Selfish Giant” is a British drama film released in 2013, directed by Clio Barnard. It is a modern-day adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s classic short story with the same name. While the film shares the same title and draws inspiration from Wilde’s work, it takes a different approach in terms of the setting and themes.

Plot Summary
Set in a deprived and impoverished area of Bradford, England, the film revolves around the lives of two young boys, Arbor and Swifty. Arbor (played by Conner Chapman) is a hyperactive and impulsive boy, while Swifty (played by Shaun Thomas) is quieter and more sensitive. Both boys are struggling academically and find themselves marginalized by their school and peers.

As the story unfolds, Arbor and Swifty are drawn into the world of local scrap dealers, Kitten (played by Sean Gilder) and his horse. The boys begin helping Kitten collect and sell scrap metal, a dangerous and illegal venture. Arbor’s aggressive nature and desire to prove himself lead the trio into risky situations. Meanwhile, Swifty forms a unique bond with Kitten’s horse, connecting with it in ways that resonate with his gentle spirit.

The film explores themes of poverty, friendship, loyalty, and the harsh realities faced by marginalized communities. It delves into the struggles of the boys and their families, highlighting the impact of economic deprivation on their lives. Through their hazardous exploits and choices, the movie confronts the consequences of ambition and desperation in a harsh socio-economic landscape.

The title, “The Selfish Giant,” takes a metaphorical meaning in this film adaptation. It alludes to the larger societal forces that exploit vulnerable individuals and the consequences of prioritizing self-interest over the well-being of others.

“The Selfish Giant” received critical acclaim upon its release. The film’s raw and gritty portrayal of life in a struggling community resonated with audiences and critics alike. The performances by the young actors, Conner Chapman and Shaun Thomas, were particularly praised for their authenticity and emotional depth.

Clio Barnard’s direction brought a poignant realism to the story, capturing the stark contrasts of joy and pain that exist in the characters’ lives. The cinematography and haunting musical score added to the film’s atmosphere, immersing viewers in the world of Arbor and Swifty.

Overall, “The Selfish Giant” is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the hardships faced by disadvantaged communities. It skillfully translates Wilde’s timeless themes of redemption and compassion into a contemporary context, making it a compelling and impactful adaptation of the classic tale.

Synopsis of the Selfish Giant YouTube 1971

This is an Animated film based on the story by Oscar Wilde. A giant finds children playing in his beautiful garden and chases them away and by building a high wall around his estate.

Spring leaves the garden and Winter’s back for good until children manage to slip through a hole in the wall. Spring then returns. The giant becomes gentle and allows the children to play in his garden whenever they want.

Questions and Answers & Analysis of the Story

Analysis of the story “The Selfish Giant”:

1. Moral of the Story:
The central moral of “The Selfish Giant” is the transformative power of kindness and selflessness. Through the character of the Giant, Oscar Wilde illustrates the consequences of selfishness and isolation, showing how it leads to a bleak and desolate existence. However, as the Giant learns to open his heart and share his garden with the children, he experiences a profound change. The act of giving and embracing the joy of others brings happiness not only to the recipients but also to the giver. The story emphasizes that true happiness lies in generosity and compassion towards others.

2. Symbolism of Spring and Winter:
In the story, the changing seasons of spring and winter symbolize the contrasting emotions and conditions in the Giant’s life. Spring is associated with happiness, joy, and renewal. When the children are allowed to play in the Giant’s garden, spring returns, symbolizing the arrival of happiness and beauty in the once barren and gloomy landscape. On the other hand, winter represents suffering and desolation. During the period of the Giant’s selfishness and exclusion of the children, winter dominates the garden, highlighting the absence of happiness and the harsh consequences of isolation.

3. Main Themes:
“The Selfish Giant” touches on various themes, which include:

– Humility: The Giant’s transformation from a proud and selfish figure to a humble and compassionate being highlights the significance of humility in personal growth and redemption.

– Salvation: The Giant’s salvation is achieved through his act of selflessness and kindness towards the children, suggesting that acts of compassion can lead to spiritual redemption.

– Compassion and Kindness: The story underscores the importance of showing empathy and kindness towards others, as it not only benefits them but also enriches one’s own life.

– Arrogance: The Giant’s initial arrogance and disdain for the children demonstrate the negative consequences of hubris and self-centeredness.

– Loneliness: The Giant’s isolation from the children and the resulting loneliness depict the emotional toll of disconnecting oneself from the community.

– Love and Pain: The relationships between the Giant and the children evoke emotions of love and pain, portraying the complexities of human interactions and emotions.

4. Publication Date:
“The Selfish Giant” was first published in May 1888 as part of the collection “The Happy Prince and Other Tales” by Oscar Wilde.

5. Main Characters:
The primary characters in the story are the Giant and the little boy, representing the transformation of the Giant’s heart. The group of children collectively acts as a symbol of joy and spring, representing the beauty and innocence that the Giant initially rejects. Additionally, the seasons, spring, and winter, are personified, enhancing the symbolism in the story and reinforcing the themes of happiness and suffering.

The Selfish Giant Story Summary

A very important story for the young ones to know, it is no less than a fable and is a must-read. This story holds different meanings for people of different age. Give it a read and find out what it means to you.

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More Info On-  The Happy Prince

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