Charles Darwin spent some time at Shrewsbury and then visited his Wedgwood relatives at Mear Hall, Staffordshire. During his stay, Darwin came up with a new and important theory on the role of earthworms in the soil formation. It was here that he met his cousin Emma Wedgwood who was taking care of his sick aunt.

Charles had developed a liking for his cousin Emma and on his next visit to Mear, he proposed to her. After her consent to the proposal, they married at Mear in an Anglican ceremony. A few days prior to his wedding, Charles was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1839.
Charles Darwin Facts: His book Theory of natural selection
Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection included research on animal husbandry and experiments with plants to find out its species and other experiments. This work done by Charles for about 15 years was in the background of writing on geology. In 1839, when Fitz Roys Narrative was published, Charles Journal and Remarks was a success and in 1842, Charles another book, The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs which deals with the theory of atoll formation was published.
After the publication of his book in 1842, Charles wrote his first pencil sketch of his theory of natural selection and later on expanded this into an Essay. By 1846, Charles Darwin had completed his third book on geology. Around this time, his fascination and expertise for marine invertebrates were renewed. Throughout the years, Charles health had been a reason for concern for him. In 1849, he went to Dr. James Gullys Malvern spa and realised the benefits of it.
In 1851 however, his daughter Annie fell sick. Charles feared that her ailment was a hereditary illness passed on by him. Annie died after a brief period of illness. Charles theory on barnacles earned him the Royal Medal of the Royal Society in 1853.
By 1856, Charles had begun researching on whether eggs and seeds can survive despite travelling in seawater. In 1858, when Charles had completed half of his book, he received a paper from Wallace which explained the theory of natural selection. Darwin sent this paper to Lyell and suggested it to be sent to the journal selected by Wallace. Charles Darwin’s book, On the “Origin of Species” was a major success and it went on sale to booksellers in 1859.
After publishing it as an abstract, Charles continued writing for his big book. In 1862, Fertilization of Orchids gave the first ever detailed demonstration of the power of the theory of natural selection to elaborate the complex ecological relations. Darwins deteriorating health forced him to be bed-ridden. His health problems did not stop Charles from carrying on with his experiments.
The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication published in 1868 was the first part of Charles big book. The second part was not published in during Charles lifetime. Charles with his book, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex published in 1871, showed that humans are in fact animals with continuing physical and mental attributes.
Charles Darwin Book: Expression of the Emotions in Man
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals published in 1872 was one of the first books that contained printed photographs. Charles experiments connected to evolution led to the publishing of the book on Insectivorous Plants, The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in theVegetable Kingdom, various kinds of flowers growing on the same plant species. Charles last book was The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms.
Charles died on 19th April 1882 at Down House. Charles wanted that he bee buried in St. Mary’s churchyard at Downe. Charles Darwin was regarded as a national hero who was responsible for bringing about a change in people’s thinking. Scientists had begun accepting evolution as descent with modification. However, some of them disagreed with the thought that natural selection is the principle source of modification.
In the eclipse of Darwinism, many supported alternative evolutionary mechanisms which were unsustainable. Charles Darwin was the English naturalist who had proved through various sources that all species have common ancestors. It was the development of the modern evolutionary synthesis from 1930-1950 which led the scientists and people believe that natural selection was indeed the fundamental step of the evolutionary mechanism.