The world has seen its fair share of eras when it comes to art. There have been numerous periods of times across history when art has flourished and evolved by leaps and bounds into more abstract matter wherein it has been a mark of the era that has evolved it. In fact even today a number of historical eras are classified on the basis of the difference in the level of art abstractness and its richness during that period.
In fact even today a number of historical eras are classified on the basis of the difference in the level of art abstractness and its richness during that period.
The Edwardian era might not have been named or classified as per the blueprints of artistic style during this period but it still has a distinct style of paintings, sculpture and other art forms that call for intrigue and interest amongst art experts across the world. Furthermore what interests experts is the quality of each painting and the inspiration behind it.
Edwardian art was born of the results of several artistic revolutionary movements across the era most renowned of which were Fauvism, post-impressionism, cubism, expressionism, and futurism. It was also impacted by the constructivism and Dadaism movements. However, the cornerstone of Edwardian art was Art Noveau.
This art form was developed in France and came to British shores as a visiting art form but before long the Edwardian art itself became most influenced by Art Noveau. The basic characteristic of the art form of this age that became the inspiration behind all such works was nature itself. Most paintings and sculptures sought to represent the beauty that nature possessed.
The patterns and motifs were clearly inspired by the beauty of nature and the uses of colors were exuberant and there was special emphasis on forms and lines. This art form was appreciated the world over and particularly by the enlightened and educated classes who were in their tastes uninhibited by tradition and encouraged the wave of new styles that swept across the continent as well as through Edwardian Britain.
Even today Edwardian art has its own class of admirers and is a favorite amongst a select group of collectors who find its impressive accumulation of post-impressionist expressionist and futurist styles immensely appealing. Perhaps the greatest work of Edwardian art had also been the manifestation of humanity as a characteristic in some of the paintings. This age was important because it was a phase of transition for human society and Edwardian art was imbibed with some of the key features of this transitional anatomy of life.
Edwardian Era Famous Paintings
Antique paintings are something all the collectors crave for. Some of the most famous works of the past are priceless but the immense beauty and artistic talent hidden in these make them a craving for every heart. After a bland Victorian era came the much-awaited Edwardian era which shook the very roots of conservatism in England. One can easily rate this era as pre-modern as it laid the stepping stones to our modern world today.
New trends became popular in the world of art and fashion between 1900 and 1910. The new monarch King Edward VII was known for his open-mindedness and fresh thinking.
He gave the masses full freedom to experiment with fresh ideologies. Dark colours of the Victorian era gave way to light shades of the Edwardian taste.
Bright floral patterns of rose and lilac also became part of the popular culture. Complex designs were replaced with simpler ones. Paintings started becoming bolder by the day and fresh inspirations arose out of the new era. A very important aspect which affected painting in the Edwardian era was the Art Nouveau movement.
This movement popularised the trend of making real-life natural elements a part of every artwork made in Europe. The aim of this movement was to bring to the common eye the enormous beauty of nature. Paintings started being centered on floral patterns and bold depictions of human forms based on this art movement.
Some of the most famous names in the field of painting in this decade were John William Waterhouse, William Orpen, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, etc. Famous works of these painters include Tristam and Isolde, the jockey, and a Roman Artist, the art of drawing respectively. Oil on canvas and watercolour were the two most preferred mediums of the Edwardian painters.
The paintings of this era included more of lifelike objects rather than lofty presentations to impress the elites. One can say the Edwardian painters worked with a free and unbiased mind. The Art Nouveau was also a major influence. The painters now started experimenting with various shades and bright colours to add to the life of paintings.
Edwardian paintings are a rare example of masterpieces today.