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‘The Brook and the Wave’ by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Brook and the Wave

The Brook and the Wave: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a great poet and wrote lyric poetry. Longfellow had many of his earlier works published in the literary journals.

Around his 40 works published in between the years 1824 and 1825. He was born on the 27th of February in Portland.

Poem Text: ‘The Brook and the Wave’ 

The brooklet came from the mountain,
As sang the bard of old,
Running with feet of silver
Over the sands of gold!

Far away in the briny ocean
There rolled a turbulent wave,
Now singing along the sea-beach,
Now howling along the cave.

And the brooklet has found the billow,
Though they flowed so far apart,
And has filled with its freshness and sweetness
That turbulent bitter heart!

Review ‘The Brook and the Wave’

This poem is a beautiful metaphor and me, personally, like personifying the Brook and the Wave.

Imagine this: Brook is a beautiful woman, charming, charismatic, lively. On the other hand, we have Waved. He is a strong man, though.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

However, he is heartless. He doesn’t feel, rather, feels too less. But Brook, our little booklet is a joyous soul, dancing on the golden sand with her silver feet.

Wave, on the other side, dwells in the ocean and is turbulent. An angry, young man, he is almost heartless, singing like he is howling when he crashes against the caves.

The Brook and the Wave: Analysis

However, the Brooklet finds the Wave and fills him with freshness and does away with his bitter heart.

This is such a nice little poem! It will make you really happy to read this and even more happy once you understand the concept behind it!

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