In the mid-1870s, the woman of an upper-class household planned lunch and evening meals, but she had a cook to actually do the work for her. Because upper-class families were not doing hard physical labor during the day, their largest meal was served in the evening. When they entertained, they served twelve or thirteen-course meals. When they dined alone, they ate five or six courses.

An example: 1. Savory Soup
2. Roast Turkey with Dressing or Roast Pork with Specialty Potatoes or Chicken Fricassee served with Rice
3. Two Vegetable Side Dishes
4. Citrus Ice
5. Fresh Dinner Rolls with Sweet Cream Butter
6. Jams, Jellies & Sweet Pickles
7. Fancy Cake & Preserved Fruit
8. Coffee, Hot Punch & Water Usually, one would eat dinner in the late afternoon and then supper at early evening, or dinner at early evening and then supper later at night. You could say Supper is the Victorian
You could say Supper is the Victorian midnight snack 😉 Some other food that was used in the Victorian (judging by when these words were first used in the English language,) are: crepes, consomm, spaghetto, souffl, bechamel, ice cream, chowder, meringue, bouillabaisse, mayonnaise, grapefruit, eclair, and chips.
Also see: Victorian Era Cooking And Kitchens
Victorian Era Cooking And Manners
Victorian Era Dinner Etiquettes
Aprons Of Victorian Era
Victorian Cooking Upperclass Dinner