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What is Metaphysical meaning?

Mataphysical Definition

The word Metaphysical is used in literature to describe objects that are beyond any physical existence. The concept is used with an intention to differentiate between the fundamental state of being and the other side of the world to initiate a form of argument in order to describe the emotional and fundamental state of mind. It is deliberately used to make the audience think of things that they can never imagine otherwise.

Metaphysical is considered to be a complex phenomenon but it definitely plays a vital role in the nature of text.

In literature, metaphysical is used in poetry during the 17th century. Etymologically, metaphysical consist of two words “meta” and “physical” which clearly means that it deals with objects that are beyond the existence of physical world.

Metaphysical poetry is a concept that gives your brain a strong thinking ability to understand the difference between the world we live in and the world that does not exist. It involves a lot more debatable topics to talk about like “do god exist then?”, “is their a difference between the world we live and the world that are beyond our visuals?”, “is this purely imaginative or realistic?”, “is this consciousness limited to our brain?”. Metaphysical poetry is more philosophical rather been based on maths or science.

Metaphysical poetry

Metaphysical poetry is known for its figurative languages, original conceits, paradoxes and philosophical topics. It also includes a lot of humour and wit. These poems often touched on contemporary scientific advancements as well.

Theme of metaphysical poetry

The theme of metaphysical poetry commonly are love, lust, religion and morality. It offers comparisons of unlikely things that do not belong in this the world humans reside and are loaded with conceits, paradoxes and irony. They are argumentative, intellectual, realistic and rational in their approach.

Metaphysical poets

The term Metaphysical poets was coined by the inventor Samuel Johnson who wrote about the 17th century English poets who wrote about the complexity and intellectual aspects of English Literature. The label metaphysical poets goes to names like John Donne, George Herbet,  Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell and Richard Crashaw.

What is the most famous metaphysical poem?

The best known metaphysical poem is ‘The Flea’ by John Donne. It was published after Donne’s death in 1633. The theme of the poem is how the writer uses a flea who sucks blood  in a purpose to convince a woman to sleep with him.

Metaphysical art

Metaphysical art was a kind of painting started by Italian artists Giorgio de Chirico and Carlo Carra. The movement was started by Chirico in 1910 whose works was ethereal with a sharp contrast of light and shadow yet involved a roughly threatening, mysterious quality which portrayed “painting that cannot be seen”. The main characteristic of these kind of art was dreamlike views of eerie arcaded squares with unexpected juxtapositions of objects.

Metaphysical love 

In metaphysical style it is a love relationship and the state of being in love which matter. In this genre of poetry love is compared to personal love. Love is divine attribute. It is a kind of feeling that resides in one’s mind. God is love and love is God or a quality in Being.

The difference between divine love and human love is that the former is broad and unlimited and has some universal and harmonising power. Human love us truly on one’s personality and is selfless, lawless and fickle.

Metaphysical religion

Metaphysical poetry often tackles the question in life through the avenue of religion and religious beliefs. It is quite common in metaphysical poetry that one has to deal with the supernatural.

Religious poetry is one of the oldest genre of literature and consist different types of culture and era in which it was written. In the ancient Mediterranean and Near East many of the earliest works of literature are with religious content.

Metaphysical science

Metaphysical science is one of the philosophical study of key concepts and that it deals predominantly in science and that, prima facie, stand in need of justification. It is also that in this concept lies the main factor where these phenomena correspond to these concepts. In

fact philosophy is called the “queen of the science”, because it has all its discipline as its subject matters.

Metaphysical philosophy

Derived from the Greek meta to physika “after the things of nature” referring to an idea or doctrine or some kind of reality that perceives outside the human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics means to the study that cannot be reached or seen through the objective study of material reality.

Metaphysical book

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle’s The Metaphysics, written some two thousand years ago is considered to be one of the greatest philosophical works of all time.

At the heart of the book lies three questions, “what is existence “, “what sort of things that exist in this world”. Ten best books of and about the philosophical branch of metaphysics. It contains a mix of primary and secondary literature from introduction and anthologies to the original texts of the grand metaphysics.

  1. Metaphysics: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Mumford
  2. Metaphysics: An Introduction to Contemporary Debates and Their History by Anna Marmodoro
  3. Metaphysics: A Guide and Anthology by Tim Crane
  4. The Metaphysics by Aristotle
  5. Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes
  6. Ethics by Spinoza
  7. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
  8. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics by Immanuel Kant
  9. Being and Time by Martin Heidegger
  10. Sameness and Substance Renewed by David Wiggins

To conclude Parmenides is the father of metaphysics. He is a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher whose works survives even today in fragments.

Metaphysical spirituality

The word ‘Metaphysical’ has an actual meaning which shows “above the physical“. All religions are metaphysical to a degree in that they accept various beliefs on faith and not on physical existence.

Metaphysical Spirituality is a science, philosophy and religion based on life, teachings and demonstration of all Master Teachers. It helps us to understand the invisible, spiritual nature of all life that transcends the physical and material life that we now live on.

Metaphysical quotes

These below mentioned inspirational and metaphysical quotes will make your day and will make you thrive on it:

  1. “If things do not turn out as we wish, we should wish for them as they turn out” – Aristotle
  2. “A commodity appears on first sight an extremely obvious, trivial thing. But it’s analysis brings out that it is a very strange thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties” – Karl Marx
  3. “All that we see is but a dream within a dream” – Edgar Allan Poe
  4. “I was thrown out of college for cheating on metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of tthe boy next to me” – Woody Allen
  5. “A poet without love were a physical and metaphysical impossibility “ – John Keats
  6. “Really, the fundamental, ultimate mystery – the only thing you need to know to understand the deepest metaphysical secrets” – Alan Watts
  7. “Mystery is what makes practising magic so powerful” – Alex Kazemi
  8. “I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream” – Vincent Van Gogh
  9. “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main” – John Donne
  10. “Our quaint metaphysical opinions, in an hour of anguish, are like playthings by the bedside of a child deathly sick” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Metaphysical death

This means physical dissolution of the body, the outer symbol of mental negation or spiritual inertia. As commonly described, death is the absence of life in the body. Death is caused by man’s failure to comply fully with God’s law. It is a result of sin and has no uplifting power. Sin causes a distortion in mind which results in separating the body from the soul. The result is death of the body temple. “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life”.

Metaphysical healing

Metaphysical healing is based on the belief that negative mental patterns that perceive ls in one’s mind if left unchecked can eventually lead in physical disease or illness and that the cause of that negative mental patterns into positive patterns can as a result lead to healing.

In short, for many metaphysical healers the mind, the consciousness in particular transcends the material aspect of life. Thus, metaphysical mind often has the power to manipulate or supersede.

Metaphysical idealism

The word “idealism” in philosophy stresses on the central role of the ideal or the spiritual in the interpretation of experience. It may highlight that the world or reality exists essentially in spirit or consciousness that abstraction and laws are more fundamental in reality or sensory things or at least whatever exist is known as dimension that are chiefly mental.

Thus, the two basic form of idealism are metaphysical idealism, which depicts the ideality of reality and epistemological idealism, which means that in the process of knowledge the mind can only grasp the psychic or that it’s objects are conditioned by their perceptibility.

Metaphysical connection

Metaphysical relationships are completely different from normal relationship as it beyond the physical touch. They are from a different realm altogether with a kind of attachment to the soul level which is very intense and sharp.

It is quite painful too when they are separated due to misunderstanding or indifference which robs them from being in the present or living a life of adventure. Having a metaphysical connection with someone means wanting the best for them.

It is shown in one’s character too like after being with someone for quite a period of time you start developing a positive attitude in yourself and see the change. They don’t complete you but it helps you to see that you are already complete all on your own.

Metaphysical meditation

It’s a book on mediation and helps you inhale a breath of peace. In this book, Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace and inner freedom of the soul. Includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. It guides and teaches us in an encouraging way through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

Metaphysical nihilism

Metaphysical nihilism is the philosophical theory that there might have been no objects at all or in other words there is a possible world where there is nothing concrete at all so that even if a possible world contains some objects there is a least one that contains only abstract objects.

To understand metaphysical nihilism, one can look into the subtraction theory written in the simplest form by Thomas Baldwin:

  1. There could have been finitely many things.
  2. For each thing, that thing might not have existed.
  3. The removal of one thing does not necessitate the introduction of another.
  4. Therefore, there could have been no things at all.

There are four types of nihilism that exist – moral, epistemological, cosmic and existential nihilism. According to Jonna Bornemark, “The paradox of nihilism is the choice to continue one’s own life while at the same time stating that it not worth more than any other life”.

Metaphysical god

The debate that God exist itself raises a metaphysical question about the nature of reality and existence. Generally, there can be numerous number of conversations on the topic that there is not one concept of God but many, even among monotheistic traditions.

The Abrahamic religion are theistic – God is both the creator of the world and the one who sustains it. God is personal to us when we recognise Him within us as our indwelling life, intelligence, love and power.

Metaphysical ontology

Ontology, the philosophical study of being in general, or what applies neutrally to everything that is real. It was “first philosophy” by Aristotle in Book IV of Metaphysics.

The Latin term ontologia means “science of being” was felicitously invented by the German philosopher Jacob Lorhard and first appeared in his work Ogdaos Scholastica in 1606.

It entered general circulation after being popularised by the German rationalist philosopher Christian Wolff in his Latin writings, especially Philosophia Prima sive Ontologia (First Philosophy of Ontology).